25 October 2014

My Only Post on Gamergate

Here goes nothing. Prepare for this can of worms if you must by sitting down with a glass of wine or bottle of beer.

As a newbie researcher/academic and long-time nerd, I've been asked several times what I think about Gamergate. This will be the only thing I say about it. If it were about ethics, then everyone advocating for these ethics would behave in an ethical fashion.

Leaking people's personal information when they disagree with you? I'm going to say that's among the most unethical things you can do. If you think that sending death threats to folks who disagree with you is perfectly alright, then that's unethical too. If you would gladly send me a death or rape threat for being a feminist and believing in treating other folks with respect, then I'm not the one with the problems, you are, and I would prefer if you stayed away from me and other people about whom you feel this way.

While not everyone engaging in this cruel behavior suffers from mental illness (entitlement is a symptom of a social problem related to having one's power challenged; it isn't an organic psychological issue), if you do, here are some places you can go to get help:

The American Psychological Association
National Institute of Mental Health

Additionally, if you're interested in the well-being of men, instead of researching and finding answers in the echo chamber of online forums, look into Michael Kimmel's work. Those who think that feminism is the enemy don't understand feminism's aims and goals, particularly if we're talking about intersectional feminism and womanism, in which case the myths are considered "common knowledge." Kimmel, a scholar and spokesperson for the National Organization for Men Against Sexism (NOMAS), will clarify these things for you, if you prefer to, at least at first, listen to another man with similar concerns, who addresses them in productive, just ways -- ways that are mostly absent from Reddit at the moment.

I used to think that the following should go without saying; unfortunately, I'm wrong, so here it is: Treating people poorly, telling them that you're going to kill them, is not rational, reasonable, or compassionate, no matter the argument. There's nothing wrong with people, regardless of gender expression, sharing the same interests, the same job titles, the same hobbies, the same rights, the same whatever.

If you are anxious about women and non-binary folks being gamers, construction workers, cops, what have you, then you need to get over it, because as the world inches slowly towards progress (with regressive moments sprinkled in, because of course), your tantrums won't stop you from getting left behind. Instead, realize that your interests, jobs, etc, are not being threatened -- the definitions are simply expanding to include more variety. That process doesn't negatively affect you or your way of life, just as women voting hasn't affected your ability to vote, just as white folks marrying black folks hasn't affected your ability to marry, and just as queer folks getting married hasn't affected your marriage, either. Your behavior, on the other hand, affects others, especially when that behavior includes leaking their home address or phone number, placing burning crosses on their lawns, or shooting them as you're driving past.

And remember: misogyny hurts everyone. Misogyny is the reason that men aren't allowed to be sensitive, because sensitivity is feminine and therefore a weak trait. If you're a "pussy," then you're weak, because anything feminine is weak. If you are a man who wants to be a nurse or a teacher to young children, then you're going to be criticized, because nurturing jobs are for women and somehow, men can't be nurturing. Nurturing is a weak trait in a man, even though many men become fathers. Being against sexism in all of its heinous forms and working towards dismantling it is an effort that works in everyone's favor.

So, historically and statistically, while allowing people who don't look like you to have access to rights and spaces that you typically enjoy doesn't impact your ability to continue to enjoy those rights and spaces, how you decide to disagree does affect other people and their ability to live their lives, if your choices include being physically, emotionally, and psychologically violent toward them.

What I'm suggesting isn't in any way new, and it is all rooted in logic. It is simply unreasonable to threaten women, or anybody, with rape and death. It is unreasonable to doxx them. In response to all of your arguments, it is unreasonable to harm the people you disagree with. I am disagreeing with you right now, and I have not decided to research and leak the personal information of the perpetrators of Gamergate. (And believe me: I spend a lot of time researching, so if I really wanted to find out, I could put those skills to work, but I refuse to do it.) I haven't threatened your life, and I haven't told you I'm going to assault you. I have only called you unreasonable and asked that you get the help you need and avail yourself of the great resources out there for you.

To the gamers in my life who are being affected by all of this, regardless of gender: I'm sorry. I'm sorry that these people are leaving you feeling alienated at best and scared at worst. I care about you and your well-being, which is why I'm here if you need to talk. In the meantime, I offer my hugs, support, and sympathy.

And that is all that I will say about Gamergate.

Blogger's Note: Not all feminists are the same; therefore, there may be ways in which I define myself that other feminists may disagree with. We're talking about a movement that is currently experiencing the tail-end of its Third Wave -- obviously, it's a movement with complexity. That said, there are still a lot of myths about feminism and its messages, and although my argument above is meant for a hostile audience and therefore is less radical in ethos, the crux of my stance -- which is, don't threaten or doxx other people -- should hopefully be something that's agreeable for everyone, no matter belief. That said, I'm still learning and growing, and I know I'm a flawed feminist. Keep that in mind as you read.

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